Ruhi Bk 3 and family time...

Two weeks ago, we were at Mamani's house (grandma's) and we went to dinner with her to celebrate the graduation of her participants of Ruhi Book 3.

We had a lovely time and eat yummy food and had free complimentary pancakes (yes we went to Cafe Primo! lol) for desserts. Our tummies were exploding when we came out of the restaurant!!

Here are some pics:
(Mamani giving the certificate for graduation Ruhi Bk 3 to cousin Ruha)

(Mamani giving certificate to Mobin)

(Mona walking around the restaurant as if she owns it!! lol...)

And believe me or not, but here are some the amazing photos that my darling daughter (almost 3 yr old) took from my good old digi camera!!
She is getting really good at taking photos, she will make sure her hands are not in front of the lens and will focus on her subject and wait till her hands stop shaking to click on the button!!
She will even tell you to 'Smile' when she is ready to take the shot!!
Her mama taught her well, don't you think? :) lol...

(Haleh Roya, viewed by Mona... This shot is really beautiful.. and no I'm not biased at all!!!! )

(Amu Nader and Haleh Roya, again by Mona)

(Mummy and auntie Nushan by Mona, ok, she cut me off from the picture, there was mamani also on the other side of me who didn't make the shot, but I love this shot anyway!!! lol)

(And my personal favourite of all of her shots: Babaee Hamid and Mamani Shahla! Love the rawness of the moment!!)

One day.... She will become a very famous and great photographer.... one day!

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