Naw-Ruz Celebrations - Part 2

On Sunday 22 of March, we were invited to our dear friend Yassi's house!
Yassi is my francophone/persian friend and she was such a beautiful host on Sunday!

We started the evening with prayers and readings from the Baha'i Writings and we ended by all singing a prayer together.

We then have a variety of yummy persian food, and then yummy cakes, sweets and tea, all the while enjoying the presence and conversations with the friends who were there.

We had such a wonderful time and Mona spent all her time with her little mates, Aryan and Reeshab.

Here are some pictures of the evening:

Mona and me

Mona and the boys...

Mona being moody and Mona eating pistachio

The friends at Yassi's house...

The girls...

And last but not least, myself...
(this one is for you J - you wanted more pictures of me... so there u go...)

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