Doing dishes with Mamani...

Just this one last post, and I think I am done with the updates of recent weeks!!

This is going to be a short one but definitely one of the cutest!!!

A while back we were at Mamani's house and while Mamani was busy preparing salad, Mona couldn't resist the urge to help her grandma by washing the dishes for her.
So we grab a chair and pulled it in front of the kitchen sink for her and here are some of the shots:

Mamani busy washing the salad and Mona busy playing with the water...
euh sorry... I mean washing the dishes

Love the coordinated movements of the left hands in this shot!!

And my favourite shot of the day:
Mona and her Mamani, both smiling and happy to wash the dishes!!
Have you even seen anyone this happy to do the dishes?!? lol

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