Tender Seedlings - Baha'i Class and Playgroup for Toddlers and Preschoolers

First of all, I would like to thank all those wonderful persons who have recently send me emails and left messages either on my blog guest book, my facebook or on my Association of Baha'i Educator's Page.

Dear friends, I am so happy to hear that our class has inspired you all to start your own Baha'i Class with the toddlers and preschoolers in your area. These kind of news do really bring so much joy and happiness to our hearts! :)

And for those of you who are still waiting or not sure how to start, well it's really simple, just gather the toddlers together, start with a simple prayer and sing it when them. Then let the children play and get to know each other. At the next class or playgroup, just add a little story after the prayers. You can use some toys or puppets or make your own props if you are very crafty to animate the story you are telling. Really this doesn't have to be anything fancy, the kids would love it just as much!! Believe me, we started really small and we keep learning and growing with experience. It's really the first step which is harder. Just get up and do it! Fix a date and call the toddler's parents to invite them.

It is most certainly all of your support and encouraging words that do keep us going and inspires us to keep showering these little ones with love and the Words of God!
So dear friends, once more, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT!!

In fact, this has inspired me to do even more. I am thinking of starting a blog or a web page of some sorts just for 'Tender Seedlings', where i would post our lessons plans, and crafts activities along with the pictures and videos and where all of it would be more accessible to those who need the stories or lessons plans. What do you think of this idea? Would you like me to do that?

Tender Seedlings, Class of 5th January 2009

The class was very simple and very fun too.
We did a short story on 'cleanliness' taken from the famous childhood story 'Jean Malpropre' (John the dirty)... And I'm pretty sure that the tots did get the story and the meaning and they all agreed that they do not want to be like 'Jean Malpropre' at all... lol.

My sweet and lovely assistant, Dori (Aryan's mom) was in charge of the crafts and arts this week and she brought a wonderful coloring page, which when folded in two looks like a Gate and of course was on The Bab, and when you opened it, inside was all about Baha'u'llah and the religions of the world.
The kids loved it and what they even liked more was to put glitter paint all over it.

After the crafts and arts, we played some games. We played 'Freeze game', 'Animals Interpretation game' and just 'being silly game' lol.. We had lots of fun.

Here are some pictures of the class:

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sabby - Thanks for posting this blog. I teach pre-school in Kentucky - USA. I had 7 kids show up today ages almost 3 to almost 6. I am always looking for material to help them in their spiritual education. Today we used a mirror to see things that we might not be able to see. I have an assistant - a high school youth -help me take kids out of our class, and use the mirror to see around the corner. We'll see if we can work that into the concept of Baha'u'llah as a mirror of God.

Please, I encourage anyone working with this age group to share some of their ideas. Thanks. I really appreciated hearing what you are doing. Keep up the good work.