Cute Little Feet and a Scary Big Man

Aren't these little feet in those little pink 'princess slippers' cute?
I just love em'...

And a couple of days ago, while i was trying my very best to keep my eyes open while i was fixing breakfast, this little girl draw this:

Did it scare you?
It did scare me at first!! I was half awake and when i woke in the room, that was the first thing i saw!! lol...
Then she proceeded to explain that it was a 'Big Man'!!
'Ah ha! a Big Man, of course it is' I replied!! lol...

See the tiny little lines going out from both sides of the cheeks and the chin, well they are arms and legs!! Yes! That's the Big Man's arms and legs!!

And those little scribbles on top of his square head are his hair!!
I didn't even try to ask why his eyes were so gigantic, I was too scared of the answer!!

My daughter is an artist!!!
Almost scared me to death, but still a brilliant artist!!

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