Video of Tender Seedlings Classes

As some of you might already know, I am holding 'Tender Seedlings' (Baha'i Class for Toddlers aged 1 to 5) on a weekly basis at home, with the loving support and help from the Local Spiritual Assembly of my community.

So far the classes have been wonderful and a great success.

The little tots have showed so much interest and progress.

These little gems now can sing the Baha'i prayer by Baha'u'llah "Blessed is the Spot" and if you show them a picture of the Shrine of the Bab and ask them what it is, they will they you: "It's the Bab!", and if you show them a picture of the greatest Name, they will happily tell you: "It's Allah'u'Abha!"

They now understand that each day when we wake up in the morning and just before we go to sleep, we have to say our prayers to thank God for the beautiful day we had today!

They have been learning all of this and a lot about virtues through the medium of animated stories (with the help of puppets and toys), songs, and beautiful creative arts and crafts activities.

The little angels have also been bonding together and really show signs of true love and fellowship...

It is truly an amazing and blessed experience to share with them, and I am so happy each week after doing the class. That happiness keeps me going all week long till the next class.

I wanted to share this little video of 'Tender Seedlings' with you all.

Enjoy and please feel free to share with friends and invite them to join us at our 'Tender Seedlings'.

Much love,

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