
I am having a kind of flash back today, so I did this:

(pictures of my childhood - click for a larger and detailed view)

I don't know, maybe it's because my 30th birthday is coming up, or maybe just because I was having a bad day today... I don't really know, but all I know is that I've been thinking a lot about my past lately, about those 30 years that just flew by.... What I've done so far and all that I have achieved in my life and also a lot about all that I have ever dream to be of and all of those things I dreamt of achieving but still haven't....

But who am I kidding?
My life so far may not have been all that I have ever dreamt of it to be, I may not have done and experienced and lived all that I am meant to live....but....
There is still a new chapter to be written about me, and I intend to make it good!!
A very good one!!
Even better than those last 30 years....

...To be continued....

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