Tender Seedlings - Pics and crafts

At yesterday's 'Tender Seedlings' (Baha'i Class and Playgroup for Toddlers), the theme was about God and what 'Allah'u'Abha means.
The children really enjoyed it, specially the singing and dancing to the song "Allah'u'Abha" from Marie-Helene Girard (taken from the album "Demain les enfants de la terre", which are mostly Baha'i songs for children sung by children in French).
So, after Story Time and the dancing, we made some glitter drawings of the Greatest Name. The kids really loved that too, as they had glitter everywhere!!
Then they had lots of fun playing and running around the house after each other...
It was a blast and even though i am sick, the hour went by so quickly... actually they were here for more than 2hrs... because they were really having fun and so were we!!
Here are some pics...

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so beautiful stars
they will be under the GREATEST name