Tender Seedlings - Week 10 - The Midnight Sun

So today is Saturday and it's 'Tender Seedlings' Day!
As you all know by now, Tender Seedlings is our first Baha'i Toddler Class and playgroup in South Australia. And I can't believe it's already week 10 since we started the classes!!

Today the story was 'The Midnight Sun'.
But we first started as usual, we prayers. We all sang together the Baha'i prayer from Baha'u'llah 'Blessed is the Spot' and we also watched two videos of the same prayer, one animated version and one sung by many children from around the world in their language!
The little tots loves those videos and we watched them both twice and sang along each time.
Then we had our story which was all about the Love of God shining in our hearts, followed by crafts and arts where the children came up with brilliant ideas for their shape collage. They made little boys and girls, little animals, the sun, and trees of love!
Then later on we had music and dancing and last but not least, snacks and refreshments and playtime!
It was lots of fun and the little toddlers loved it all.
Here is a new layout from today's class and below is the story we did today.

(click image for larger and detailed view)

The Midnight Sun

It's night time and Rikki sleeps in his bed.
But outside, the sun is shining, because in his country the sun shines all night and all day long! It's the country of the Midnight Sun!

When Rikki wakes up, he runs outside and play in the sunlight. Everything is beautiful. The icy mountains shines under the sunlight and in the meadows, the beautiful pink and yellow flowers grows under the snow. There are lots of black and white penguins who loves to jumps and swim in the cold cold sea.
The sun is always shining in Rikki's country, all day and all night long, and all the people and animals and all the birds and flowers and trees are happy in the country of the midnight sun.

But when winter comes, the sun goes to sleep for a very very long time.
The sun does not shine all day and all night long anymore.
It's always dark, all the time, even during the day! It gets really really cold and everything is covered in snow!

But Rikki, he is still happy, because in his heart, there is a different kind of Sun shining.
It's the Sun of the Love of God! And this Love shines all the time, even when it's really cold outside and even when it's dark all the time.

When the sun shines, we feel warm and happy!
And when we love God, we feel warm and happy too, all the time!

'Abdu'l-Baha says:
"When a man turns his face to God he finds sunshine everywhere."

Play Baha'i songs for children (the ones they enjoy dancing to, here they love the French Baha'i Songs for children from the album 'Demain les enfants de la terre') and invite toddlers to come and dance and sing along!

Cut out different shapes in different sizes from different color papers. Show children how to make a collage (create a boy or girl, animals, trees, flowers, scenery, robots etc from the different shapes). Let children use their creativity to make their own collage. When finished you will be amazed at what the children created and they will be so proud of their work of art!

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