Mona, Ajay and Mamani...

After Mona had her hair cut last Friday, she went outside in Mamani's backyard to play with her cousin Ajay.

They had such a good time, basically just running after each other, playing 'catch me'.

They also did some exploring... Here Ajay is showing to Mona how deep the ground is and told her to be careful not to fall into it... lol

Then Ajay 'fixed' Mona's ride-on bike,
while Mona being such a girly girl, waited patiently for her bike to be fixed! lol...

And here is Mona, on her bike... first waving 'goodbye and see you soon' to everyone..

... and then she went for a ride around the backyard! lol...

The next day Mona, Mamani and myself went shopping at Harbour Town
and here is a picture of Mamani and Mona (wearing Mamani's shawl)
while we were waiting for aunty Roya to come and pick us up...


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