No More CHAOS!!!

My house was in total CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome) lol... nah, but seriously, it was!!
You really should have seen the state of the house before i cleaned it: Mona's toys were all over the place, in every room, in every corner. There was papers, letters and files on the kitchen bench, on the dinning table, all over in the office. There was a mountain of clean clothes, that desperately needed to be folded, on the laundry bench, the floor was covered with bags & shoes of all sorts and sizes! The shower glass doors were dirty with water spots all over. My pantry was completely disorganised and the kitchen cupboards were a mess, even found some toys in there too!! The bedrooms were filled with junks and stuff that obviously didn't belong there!! The bathroom was being invaded by magazines and catalogues! lol... a total battle field!!

I just had enough of all this mess and decided it was time to declutter the house!!
I spend two days and one whole night cleaning up and re-organising all the closets, cupboards, pantry, wardrobes, laundry, folding & sorting clothes, boxes, files, paperwork, toys, rooms, living areas, and the back yard!! I threw out so many junk... it's unbelievable the amount of junk we accumulated in less than a year!! I also pack 5 huge bags full of good clothes to give away to charity. Everything is in order now and so well organised that we all know where everything is supposed to go after we've finished using them!

I was really tired at the end of all this cleaning and my back was in pain and still is, but so happy with the results. Now it only takes me a few minutes each day to keep the house tidy, clean and smelling fresh, because now there is a place for everything in the house and everything is organised and I've set up a daily and weekly cleaning routine. I think I'm getting the hang of being a good little housewife.... lol... not!!
Even Mona wants to join in the cleaning now and helps by putting her toys away!

The only thing that i need to get around to is to tackle the dinner & lunch meals planning. I've decided to stop wasting time standing in front of the open fridge and wondering what to cook for dinner tonight. Plus it would save up money and time to know in advance what is for dinner and what i need for my weekly grocery list.
Well... that's another story... we'll see how i do with this one... lol...

Here are some pics of my clean and organized home.

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