Crazy Shopping Spree

Darling hubby was working this afternoon, so for me not to be by myself, he gave me his credit card and told me to go shopping!! What a mistake!!! lol...
Mona & me had such a great time at the shopping mall. We had lunch together, then she took a little nap in her pram while I went to Target. I think I spent about 1h30 in that shop!! I found some cute outfits for Mona; a couple of pants, a pair of jeans, 2 t-shirts, 1 polo shirt, a jacket with hood and a pjs. I also got her new milk bottles & teats and other accessories!! I also found a little basket that goes into the dishwasher to put her bottles teats and caps in it for an easier and cleaner wash. When i came out of Target Mona woke up. So we went for a cup of coffee and snack for her. Then she went to play at the kids area. She had so much fun with the other toddlers there. Running after them, and socialising away with the cute little boys!! She didn't want to leave and as soon as i saw an opportunity to do it, I took it. Of course she cried as if it was the end of her world. But she was soon distracted by the toys when we entered the toys shop!! lol
Looking around the toy shop, I found a very cute little guitar by Leapfrog.
It's a bilingual guitar (French & English) and i absolutely wanted to get it for her because of that. It teaches numbers, animals and sounds they make. And also make music and plays songs. All in English & French!! It's so hard to find french related toys or books for my little trilingual daughter!! So when an opportunity like this shows up, I simply couldn't miss it!!

So after that I went to the book shop and book a coloring book for Mona and some crayons. Then i bought myself a book about family life entitled "The Yummy Mummy's Ultimate Family Survival Guide" by Liz Fraser. You would understand by my nickname why i was attracted to this book!! I actually started reading it this evening and it's a very honest, but so hilarious guide to what really goes on behind every outwardly-perfect family facade. I'm really enjoying it!!

Then we went to Big City Chic where i returned a pair of leggings that I had bought for myself yesterday. It just didn't suit me nicely. Oh yeah, i forgot to mention that yesterday afternoon, i was also out shopping. I was supposed to go get a top for the farewell party of Nasim, and ended up with a total outfit (jeans, top, a skirt, necklace, headband, a mascara, lipstick and eyeliner, and some more outfits for Mona!!).
Then we headed to Big W, where i got Mona 2 drinking bottles for her water & juice. One is pink and one is purple. It's the pump kind of bottles. She loves drinking from my water bottle because of the pump. I also got a big carafe (jug) to store her boiled water!

Then we went to Myers. We actually went there first just for a quick look (because i did got her some clothes from Myers yesterday.) and i was happy that i did, because they had a huge sales on toys!! And i had my eyes fixed on this educational toy for her since Naw-Ruz. But back then it was really expensive and i decided to wait till it becomes cheaper. So today i finally got it for her. It's called "Little Touch LeapPad" by Leapfrog.

It looks like a little laptop (and it's pink!!), on which you put books and insert like a sort of memory card. It comes with one book and i got her 3 more books. It teaches whatever the books are about (for example i got her an ABC & numbers book, a Baby first words book, and a little Dora the Explorer book). When you press different areas on the pages, it says the words for you, or sing the song, or do the actions, or read the story or ask you a question etc. It has 3 different levels to follow her development till 4 years old. I absolutely love it!! The books also comes in french which is way cool, because that will definitely help consolidate her French!! I just need to find out how to get them here, because they are not sold in Australia. Probably by internet or my brother in France. We'll have to see...

Then it was time to get home because the shopping mall was closing.... and hubby came right on time to pick us up!
I was very happy about my shopping today and yesterday and i couldn't tell the same for dear hubby!! lol... But he did mentioned that the stuff I bought was good stuff and cool, specially the laptop for Mona!! He was even playing with it himself when Mona went to bed tonight! lol... I have to admit that i was playing with it too!! It's really great fun and so cool...

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