Turning 20 months old...

Today, our little sweet pumpkin, Mona, turned 20 months old.
We are so happy and proud of her milestones achievements and we are quite excited to look forward to many more accomplishments.
Each day, we can witness how our little baby is turning into a unique little girl, with her own character, opinions and will, her likes and dislikes which she is now clearly manifesting (temper tantrums, and the excessive use of the word "No")...
We truly are witnessing each day the blessed gift we received growing, blossoming into a very beautiful flower, and this is truly the creation of God and what a joy and blessing for us to be able to witness the greatness of God at work in front of our very own eyes!!

Here are some of the new things that little Mona is doing or can do right now...

  • Says "Tank Tu" (Thank You) whenever someone hands her something.
  • Says "Sumthin" (Something) when she is not sure of what she wants to eat or which toy she wants to play with.
  • Says "Nooooo" (No) whenever she doesn't want something that is being given, or done to her.
  • Says "Gaw avay" (go away) when she doesn't need our help
  • Says " All Done" when she wants us to stop whatever we are doing to her because she doesn't like it, she use this word specially at the doctor's office when the doctor is checking her up or when i am washing her hair.
  • Says "Come" when she wants us to come, and says "Coming" when she is coming to us.
  • Says "Lets gaw" (let's go) when she is ready to go out and is to impatient to wait for us to close the windows and doors before leaving...
  • Says " Nona gaw outside" (Mona go outside) when she wants to go outside and play.
  • Says many other words like 'cake', 'banana cake', 'bread', 'chips', 'cheese', 'juice', and many other food items, she usually can tell you what she wants to eat as long as you give her choices. She can also say many other words that are not related to food, like flowers, tree, birds, cats, bee, tiger, red, pink, pen, paper, book, ice cream, toilet, hungry, cold, sad, happy, etc... and using those words in the appropriate way.
  • She can point to the moon and says 'Moooooon'.
  • She loves star and loves saying it too, in a very low and almost magical tone, she says "staaarrrr" and it really sounds exciting when she says it...lol
  • She can sing 'twinkle twinkle little star' and if you stop in the middle of the song, she can continue it for you.
  • She can sing the french children song 'Frappe, frappe petites mains' along with the hands movements and signs and once she start singing this one, there is no stopping her.... lol.
  • She can sing and dance out all of movements of one of the wiggles song "rockabye bear", she really loves this song and so do I, we love dancing to this one together, actually to most of the wiggles songs!! lol.
  • She can start the prayer "O God Guide me" and also repeat after me all of the words for the prayer.
  • She can name most of close family names and often ask for them, even at bed time!
  • She can recognise songs that we often play in the car or at home and sing the melody or a few words from them when they are on.
  • She can remove her Velcro shoes and slippers, she is still learning how to put them on properly.
  • She can remove her pants and skirts, but often get stuck when trying to remove a dress or shirt.
  • She can unzip her jackets and close them up when both sides are attached together at the bottom.
  • She can say her name "NONA" (mona).
  • She can count from 1 to 5 in order and from 1 to 10 but not in order.
  • She loves taking care of her dolls and bears and you will often catch her feeding them imaginary food or drinks and changing their nappy and talking to them in her own little language and also doing 'Hi 5' to them and pretending they are doing hi 5 to her, kissing them and hugging them.
  • She can pretend she is sleeping, by half closing her eyes and making snoring sounds lol... so funny when she does that.
  • She can pretend she is surprised, she would just stand there and look at you and when you say 'got you', she will pretend to jump up as if you just surprised her by saying 'booh', lol.
  • She loves playing hide & seek, ball, cricket, cars, pretend cooking, house cleaning, sliding, jumping on everything and from everywhere, and she loves reading books and often chooses which ones she wants us to read to her, loves drawing and scribbling everywhere, even on the cupboards, doors and walls.
  • she loves washing her hands, and brushing her teeth and brushing her hair, and putting cream on her face and hair, and putting perfume on her.
  • She loves playing with other children and often goes to them and play with them.
  • when we say prayers together, she will now stay quiet and not make a noise, but would look at each one of us and when the prayers are done, she would say who had their eyes closed by naming them.
  • She can recognize pictures of 'Abdu'l-Baha whenever she sees one and will often tell you 'It's Abha'.
  • She can test how serious we are about something by holding what we call 'the look'. When she has done something that we are not very happy about, we call her name and by looking at her in the eyes, we tell her that we don't like it, well now she will look back at us in the eyes, without a word, and look seriously at us, without blinking her eyes and hold the look as long as she can, and when she realise that we are not going to give in, she tries to persuade us with her cute smile and see if that will work, and when even her smile doesn't work, then she stops the thing that she was not supposed to do, for example getting down from the glass coffee table, or hitting her cousin, or throwing food on the floor, etc... lol
  • when mummy or daddy is sad or hurt, she will come and give us a big hug and truly this is the best medicine ever!!!

I think I will stop here as the list is getting pretty long...

Hope this gives you a little glimpse of what little Miss Sunshine is doing over here!!

Here is a little video recorded today, of her and her cousin Ajay playing 'jumping' with their grandmother. When these two little ones are together, they love to jump and jump and jump and jump.....

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