Maman read 'O God' please!!!

This evening, as usual, we went about with our bedtime routine (drink milk, brushing teeth, pjs, go in bed and read book, say prayers and say goodnight, etc....), but i has a very sweet surprise tonight!!

After getting in bed with Mona, i told her "It's story time", usually she then goes and picks the book she wants to read. For the last two weeks it's has been a bedtime rhyme book, which i have to read at least 4 times each night before she decides she had enough. Then we usually say our night prayers, which had been pretty quick lately, because each time i start the prayer "O God Guide Me", she says "Noooooooooo" and turns the other way.

But this evening, it was different.
Mona got out of bed, went to her book shelf, came crawling back in bed and said: "Maman, read 'O God' peazee" and handed me one of her new prayer books "O God Educate These Children".
I was so surprised that she knew what the book was about and even knew half of the title of the book, as i only read it to her once so far!!!

I bought the book on Sunday, along with two other prayers book. Each book has a small prayer in it, and on each page there is a prayer line with pictures to better understand the words. The 3 books are board books which is so nice because i don't have to worry about Mona tearing them apart etc...

So I got her the prayer books: "O God Guide Me", "O God Educate these children" and "Blessed is the Spot".

Each night i had read one of the books with her, and so tonight when Mona chose the book "O God Educate these children" and called the book " O God" i was really surprised that she remembered it!!!

So i read her the book, and she asked for it again, so i read it one more time, then she asked for the other prayer book: " O God, Star" (O God Guide Me...make me a brilliant Star!!!! she loves stars at the moment!!!), so we read " O God guide me" two times and then she asked for her rhyme book, which we read once.

After that, i started chanting some prayers with her and she pretended to know the words and started singing with me (really just making sounds!!), then we said goodnight to daddy, goodnight to kaloo, pooh bear and baby (doll), said goodnight to star and moon and sand 'Twinkle twinkle little star", and then said to goodnight to 'Abdu'l-Baha and Baha'u'llah, and good night to maman too of course!

Then i continued to chant her some prayers while she slowly drifted to dreamland...

It was such a nice and special moment that i was so blessed to share with her, or maybe that she generously let me share with her.... i don't know... but all i know is that i feel so happy and joyful and proud of my little baby right now.
Persistence works!!!

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1 comment:

DivaChai said...

Hiya! I'm a mother to a three-year-old and a six-week-old. I'm looking for recommendations for Baha'i books for preschoolers. I've added these prayers books to my list. Can you recommend any story books, especially if you know of any about the Central Figures? I remember some from when I was a kid, but they don't seem to be around any more :( My email address is, would love it if you would email me directly. I found your blog while Googling various search terms looking for these types of books.