Turning 18 months...

Our little Mona is 18 months old today.
Can you believe that she has been blessing our lives for a year and a half now!!

She had lots of milestone-achievements so far:

like recently she can already grab whatever is on the dinning table and bench tops in the kitchen and bathroom, open and close doors,

able to climb and sit on the dining chair so quickly, walking up and down stairs, running really fast, jumping from the couch or her chair and also jumping on the bed and doing all sorts of gymnastic stunts....

repeating the words she hears from mummy and daddy (oops watch out!), everyday she is saying new words or short sentences... like yesterday, she was looking for her 'tutu' (dummy) and said "mummy, tutu?", I then asked her back "Where is tutu Mona?" and she replied "In the bed!" and she went and got her 'tutu' from her bed!! lol...

She loves saying our names and the names of other family members and friends when are in the car driving....

and also copying some actions she sees from us like laughing aloud, pretending to cry, pretending to sleep, saying "look" to one direction while she tickles you and make you laugh... and copying actions from other kids when they are playing...

Her vocabulary is already over a hundred words, a mixture of French, Farsi and English.

She can have long and serious conversations with daddy and mummy for hours, in her own language that only her can understand, but still using some "real words" and "real names" from time to time...

and when she comes to see you (if you are in a different room or just not close to where she was) she will come to you and put her little face just in front of yours and say "heelllloooo" in a very long and sweet tone, and when she leaves you to go play or do something else, she say "bye" in a very quick and dry tone, as if she is very busy and have to leave immediately to attend to her business... lol

She is also very very affectionate lately, giving big hugs and cuddles and real kisses!! She is also very very socialable and will talk to almost anymore (specially went we are out and about, she will wave and say 'Hi' to anybody and go in anyone's arms!!

Some of her recent interests are eating bananas (lots of them), cheese sticks and bread, cucumber, carrots, strawberries and all kinds of fruits, and of course yogurt, she will ask you to give her a specific food to eat when the food for dinner or lunch doesn't please her, or when she is hungry, she will go stand in front of the fridge or pantry door and ask for "yum yum"...

playing doll and pretending to be mummy with her and pretending to cook dinner and cleaning the house,

reading her favourite books "Hi, my name is Mona and I am a Baha'i" and "Poems for Toddlers" at bed time, listening to and reading story books about ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and the Greatest Holy Leaf. She usually chooses which books she wants to read and she will point out to the different actions or pictures on the page and tell you what it is, and during the daytime she usually loves readings books about babies and the Wiggles (characters from tv show for toddlers),

when saying prayers to her, she will repeat the words after you... and some nights she doesn't want you to say the words and just wants to read the prayers herself from the prayer book...

asking to open doors when we are going out and pressing the garage door open to go out, she also loves pressing all electric appliances buttons like the dishwasher, dryer and heater, and therefore erasing all my settings on them...

putting away her plate or bowl and cup on the kitchen bench when she has finished eating,

and trying to put her clothes and shoes on, putting hats and sunglasses on, unzipping her jacket and undoing her shoes... brushing her teeth several times a day, actually it is the first thing she ask for when we get out of the bedroom in the morning, as soon as the toothpaste is finish on her brush, she will ask for more...

telling you when she needs a nappy change by mentioning that she just did a "poo poo" or "pipi" and then request a "nappy change", she will sometimes grab the nappy and wipe box herself,

Playing with keys, Mobile phones and home phones and pretending to be in a serious conversation with someone (walking around the house while in a phone conversation, just like her daddy),

and putting on mummy's or daddy's shoes, brushing her hair, putting hair cream and face cream and perfume on still fascinate her. Each time we are getting dress she will ask for "pish pish" (perfume)...

And so many more little things that she does each day, of which I'm sure i forgot to mention here now....

If the weather gets better and sunny this afternoon, we are going to take her to very big park for her to play, otherwise we will go and celebrate in a restaurant tonight. I will also be baking a special cake for her or maybe muffins (she loves muffins)...

Happy Birthday my sweet precious heart!!

Mummy & Daddy loves you so much!!

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