No baby here....

Dear oh dear, Little Mona has been doing quite a few new stuff lately!
She is growing up really quickly and you can see the changes in her everyday.
My little baby is no longer a baby anymore!!

She has been doing something quite funny lately. She will get up, starts stumping her feet on the floor, while at the same time turning around of herself and say the words "tap tap tap tap" constantly!! It's so funny to watch because she doesn't get tired of it and she wouldn't stop even when it makes her head spin!! She will keep doing it until she falls, then gets back up and start all over again!! (I will post a video of her doing "taptaptap" at the bottom of this post!)

She also dances too. She loves kids program that has a lot of singing in it and as soon as she would hear singing, she would run in front of the TV and starts clapping and stumping her feet and singing 'tatalalanana' (she is actually trying to sing the song) and she would try to do the dance movements too, which is really so cute to watch!!

She can count to 3 on her fingers!! She will touch her fingers and say "Oun, tooo, feeeeeeeeee" the 3 is extended like when you say 1,2,3 before you jump!! lol She is so cute when she does it. She can say 4 & 5, but it is not really mastered yet... its just weird sounds for now!!

When you feed her, she will feed you too! She will take her food and say "Aaahhhh" (for you to open your mouth) and put the food in your mouth! lol.. And if you don't tell her to stop, she will keep doing it!! lol. She also feeds her dolls & plush toys imaginary food while she is playing! She would pick something imaginary from her plastic plates and goes "aaahh" to the doll and put it in its mouth and then gives the doll to drink from the plastic cup!! She looks so much like a big girl when she does that!!!

She also understands clearly what we ask from her. Last time both hubby and myself were busy in the kitchen, and she was trying to get our attention by coming in between our legs. So i quickly gave her a cleaning cloth and told her "Go clean the table in the living room for mummy please" I said it just like that, without showing her what to do or what directions to go to and it was the first time i asked her to do that. And to our great amazement, she took the cloth, started walking out of the kitchen and into the living room, went up to the table and started wiping it!! We were both in shock that she understood what i meant!!

She is so amazed with us when we do prayers together. Every night we have family prayers together before her bedtime. We would all sit together and then tell Mona now its prayer time, sit quietly and close your eyes. So she closes her eyes and then quickly opens it to see what we are doing. So when mummy is doing a prayer, she would look at daddy if daddy is closing his eyes, then when daddy says a prayer she would look at mummy to see if she is closing her eyes and when the prayers are done, she would smile and say "Abha" (for 'Abdu'l-Bahá) and then smile and says "Ta" (thank you). We just kiss and hug her at this point!! How could you not?!?! lol...

Also when i tell her we are going to go 'dada' (go out) now, Mona go get shoes. She would reply "Dada - chooosss" and go get her shoes or my shoes, whichever she finds first and bring it to me and says "chooosss mama dada dada"
And when we are in the car, she would wave to cars that go by and say 'byebye dada' (meaning goodbye i am going dada!!) and then she would ask dad if we are going out by saying in a very questioning tone "Daddy, dada?" It's hilarious when she does that!! The look on her face is so serious as if she really needs confirmation from the driver that we are really going out!! lol

Oh and yeah, one thing she does and which is getting a little bit annoying now, is that whenever she wants something (food, drink, toy, dummy, whatever) she would point to it, and repeat the word "mamamama" until someone comes and give her what she wants. For instance this afternoon, i was in the bathroom putting make up on and she wanted a piece of cake, so she went in the kitchen and stood in front of the kitchen bench where the cake was and while pointing at it would repeat:"mamamamamamamamama" until i came to see what it was that she wanted and give it to her. lol... It's getting irritating a little bit, because she doesn't stop!! She is always wanting something and she wont stop saying it until you come and give it to her!!

One thing that is funny is that she hates getting dirty!! When we are out in a park or wherever there is grass and dirt, if for any reason she would fall, she will never touch the grass or dirt, she would look up at you with a very worried and concern look, holding her hands in front of her, palms up and says "up up up" (please pick me up!!) We have tried everything to get her to touch grass, but there is no way she will do it!! If it was up to her, she wouldn't even go on the grass!!
This morning, we were all outside in the backyard and daddy was playing football on the grass, she was on the pavement next the grass, she wanted the ball, so daddy throw it at her foot but on the grass, little miss sunshine here wouldn't move an inch to get the ball, no matter how bad she wanted it. She would just point at it and say 'mamamamama'. No matter how much we encouraged her to come and get it herself, she didn't budge!! It went on like that for 5 mins till we finally gave in and gave her the ball. lol

It's really amazing how fast she is growing up and i can't believe that my little tiny baby is doing so much in so little time..... I miss her being a baby, but boy how fun it is to live with her now!!
We go from adventures to adventures everyday and everyday is a new day to learn & discover new things.

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