Shoes are made for walking...

It's been a month now since Mona started walking and believe me she is fully utilizing her new found skills and causing mayhem and destruction along the way, but it's all good.
She looks so funny when she walks and when she gets really excited she walks so fast that it looks as if she is running!
So last Saturday, she got her first pair of "real" shoes at 'Betts Kids', which was a fun experience! She was such as good girl when the lady from the shop was measuring her foot and putting shoes on her foot for her to try on. When we put her down on the floor and ask her to walk, to see if the shoes fit her properly, she started walking so fast towards the door and wanted to keep walking... lol.. When we removed the shoes, she started crying, so we gave it back to her and she just wouldn't let go of it.

Mona's new walking shoes (for the winter)

Mona showing off her new shoes

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