Thank You for the birthday wishes

So many of you, dearest loved ones, have written to me to wish Mona a very happy second birthday.

I thought I should publicly thank you all for your lovely gestures!!

I was very touched that firstly you remembered the date of her birthday and that you send the birthday cards and funny pictures for her to read and watch.

Mona really enjoyed all of them.
We sat together in front of the computer and I read her each of the cards and emails and showed her the pictures. I told her who send each card and after reading each card/message, she said thank you!!
She was so happy and just didnt want to get off the computer. I had to literally pull her away from it and it didnt go without tears and cries.

Once again, thank you all so much for the lovely birthday wishes.
Hubby and I are really appreciatiative and grateful to all of you!

Much love,


Chers amis et familles adores, beaucoup d’entre vous m’a écrit pour souhaiter a Mona un très joyeux anniversaire.
Mon époux et moi-même, nous avons été très touches par vos petits mots, cartes et photos pour notre petite princesse.
Je voulais donc, tout simplement vous remercier de tout mon cœur.
J’ai lu les cartes a Mona et lui a montré les photos, et elle les a tellement apprécié, et vous a aussi remercier.
Elle les a tellement aimé que ca à être très dure moi de l’enlever devant l’ordi. Elle a bien évidement pleurer et crier un peu lorsque je lui ai dit qu’il n’y avait plus de cartes à lire…
Encore une fois, mille merci pour vos cartes et messages pour l’anniversaire de Mona.
Gros Bisous,

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been ill and recovering from jet lag and missed dear Mona's bday.
Wish her happy birthday for me and give her a big hug and kiss for me.
Mona is a very lovely little girl.
Love to you all!

Susan Fox
Lily of the Valley
My heart is in all I do.
Rancho Cordova CA