Yummy Mummy's Birthday!!

It was my special day on Friday (24 August).

The day started really wonderfully, with a cup of coffee and lots of wondering emails from family and friends from around the world, wishing me a happy birthday.
After the emails, i headed out for my morning walk and felt really nice about it. The sun was shining and the birds were singing, or maybe because it was just my special day!! I used this time alone to reflect on my life now and the millions of things i need to improve to be where i want to be. Thinking and taking mental notes of how i can better myself and be more of service to mankind and to God. It was a very positive reflection time for me.

After my walk, i had breakfast with my little family and then as the sun was still shining, we went outside to play in the sun. While watching my daughter and husband play together, i couldn't help myself from observing the blessings that i have in my life. All of my life, i have been truly blessed!! My wonderful parents who are truly living examples of how to be and act as a Baha'i, even though they are human and have and do mistakes from time to time, they are both and have been for as long as i can remember, an inspiration for so many people. Take my mother, her selflessness in service to the Cause of God and my dad, his love and passion for applying the Words of God to his own life, combine them both together and you have truly the most perfect example of how to be as a Baha'i. If only they both knew how much they inspire me in every stages and period of my life!!
I have been blessed also to have the most hilarious, loving and supporting brothers, my husband who is the most loving and kind person i have ever known, my amazing families & friends and most recently i have been blessed with a truly precious gift, God's own gift to me: my daughter.
No one but me, can truly understand how blessed I am. I hope to be able to give back in return too!!

Anyhow... it was a very reflective morning!! So back to my day....
We went out for lunch at Nando's (my favourite fast-food restaurant) then came back home and chilled, till the afternoon, when i got some time to pamper myself while hubby and daughter went out to buy me my birthday gifts.
Then we headed to my mother's in law house for our usual Friday night dinners.
Now, i had previously told my mother in law and hubby that i didn't want a birthday party, but of course no one really listens to me... So the whole family was there, but no one knew it was for my birthday!! lol
We had the famous Golmeh Sabzi (Persian dish with herbs, red kidney beans and meat) with rice, there were some other chicken curry and beans curry and of course fresh garden salad, yogurt and Persian pickles. After dinner, we had tea and coffee with a mocha-choc sponge cake!! It was divine!!
Then i opened the gifts from my hubby and mother in law. I received a 100$ gift card from mother in law & her husband. And my daughter and hubby got me a....drum roll please.... an MP3 Video Player!!!! YAY!!!
I have been wanting to get one for a few months now, well not really a video one, but just a normal mp3 player to take with me on my walks, but hey who am i to complain about the video, right!!!
Not to mention that the day before, hubby took me out shopping for some well needed sports accessories. I got brand new walking/running shoes, new sports outfits and a pedometer for counting my steps! I am so excited about all my new gears and gadgets!! lol I feel like a little girl again!! lol...

So yeah, my special day was indeed very special...
Some good time reflecting about myself, my life and everything that revolves around it...
Some quality time with my own little family!
Some fun with cake and family!
And some wonderful gifts of love showered upon me from my family and friends around the world.
What a great birthday!

Below some pics of the dinner, I will upload very soon a video of Mona dancing for everyone at the dinner...

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P.S: Thank you for being part of my life!!

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