Mona is fine....

We just came back from the doctor's office and she gave us a complete reading of the ultra-sound test that Mona did on Monday.

Her results are clear and all good!! Meaning; she is fine. Her kidneys is not contaminated and is functioning properly. Even her bladder is fine, except for the infection.
The doctor ask us to take another test of Mona's urine to have it analyse and she also has to do the other test in a few weeks time, that is the cystogram test.

So Mona is doing better and that is a relief for both her daddy and myself.
Her fever has also gone since a few days, and even though she still has some glands behind her ear and on the neck, and even though her right ear is a little red (infected). She is doing fine and is off antibiotics.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and words of comfort when i really needed some cheering up.

Much love...

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