It's been almost a month since I last post on my blog.... So it's time for an update... here goes:
Well, as you read from the last post, we were sick.
We got hit with a gastro virus, and the 3 of us were in bed/couch for almost 2 weeks.
Then just as we were getting better, we got hit by another wave of virus, chest infections, yep the 3 of us again were in bed for another week.
We slowly recovered from all this sickness and went back to our daily routines.
Since the beginning of August, our little Mona has been sleeping in her very first big girl's bed.
We bought her a toddler bed from Ikea and slowly get her used to sleeping in it by herself.
The first week was really hard for Mona and me!!! We both didn't sleep very much.
I spent the first night sitting on the floor next to her bed trying to make her fall asleep. And i fell asleep there too!!
But the nights after that went a little smoother... slowly but surely, she was sleeping for longer nights in her bed by herself, just like a big girl.
On the 6th night in her bed, she slept through the night without waking up once!
So to encourage her and to do this every night we went out and bought her another Kaloo (lovie for sleeping in bed). She choose the kaloo herself and absolutely loves it when she goes to bed. She now has 3 kaloos in her bed. lol.
But then on Monday night at 2am, she woke up crying and shaking... She was having a fever. We gave her panadol (paracetamol) and I stayed with her till 4am till she fell back asleep.
I thought the fever was probably caused by her teething. But on Tuesday night, while putting Mona to bed, I noticed a little lump just behind her left ear. So first thing on Wednesday morning we went to the doctor. The doc confirmed that her fever was high and that she had glands behind her ear and on the neck. She also took a sample of Mona's urine for a test.
She also said that i should keeping giving Mona panadol for her fever.
On Friday, we went back to get the results of the urine test. The doc did another check up on her and she was still with 38degree fever. The results of the urine test showed that she has a bladder infection. The bladder infection is causing her pain in her little tummy and uterus. It most probably burns when she urinates (but she cannot communicate that to us yet, she is only 17months old) and the bladder and uterus area is very sensible to the touch, which now explains why lately she was not letting us clean her when we changed her nappy or bathing her.
The doc gave antibiotics to treat the bladder infection and booked us in for an ultra-sound on Monday morning and also a cystogram in 3 weeks time.
Prayers would be much appreciated for those tests.
I am a bit concerned because the tests are to find out if her kidneys as well as other organs are functioning normally. I was asking the doctor a lot of questions, but she didn't want to panic me and didn't really tell me what would be the worst case scenario. She only explained to me how the test were done and that they need to do them.
Now i am even more freaked out because i have no idea what could happen to my little girl and of course i am thinking of the worst!!
All i can do is hope and pray that the ultra sound test doesn't reveal anything else than a bladder infection. And i am also praying that the cystogram doesn't hurt her to much and that the results are not alarming.
Please pray for Mona's quick recovery and for positive results to the tests that she has to get done.
Many thanks.
Even though Mona is sick and sometimes in pain, she is so full of joy and energy!!
She is her usual self, playful, singing and dancing all the time, making a mess in my cupboards and pantry. She is also learning and developing a lot. She has reached a lot of new milestones and that is another post in itself... so laters...
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