Chocolate Croissants Recipe (Pain au Chocolat)

This is my quick and easy, I should rather say 'my cheat' way of making "Pain au Chocolat" (Chocolate Croissants), for those lazy Sunday morning breakfast.

You only need 3 simple ingredients to make those:
- Puff pastry sheets (1 sheet makes 4 croissants)
- Melted cooking chocolate (or Nutella, or chocolate squares)
- 1 egg

Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
Take one sheet of puff pastry and cut it into 4 long rectangle strips.
Spread some of the melted chocolate on each strip of puff pastry.
Roll each strip of puff pastry onto themselves to form a little square.
Brush some egg on the little squares and place into oven until each 'Pain au chocolat' are cooked, puffed and golden in colour (approx 10 to 15 mins).

The "Pain au Chocolat" are best served with a nice cup of tea.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job! :)