I think she wanted me to record her singing her prayers because it's been about a week that she just learned the Baha'i Prayer for children 'O God! Educate these children" and she is quite in love with this prayer...
As I mentioned before, saying night time prayers is a big part of our night time routine, usually the last part of the routine, just before saying goodnight and tucking her in...
So this is usually how she sings her prayers...
She first starts with the new prayer that she recently learned, 'O God! Educate these children', then she sings 'O God! Guide me', followed by the French version of the same prayer and usually end with the prayer 'Blessed is the Spot'.
In this particular video, she asked me not to sing with her for the last prayer, 'Blessed is the Spot', because she wants to show mamijoon and papijoon that she can sing it on her own without my help. lol...
Here are the Baha'i Prayers that she is singing, in same order as they appear in the video:
"O God! Educate these children. These children are the plants of Thy orchard, the flowers of Thy meadow, the roses of Thy garden. Let Thy rain fall upon them, let the Sun of Reality shine upon them with Thy love. Let Thy breeze refresh them, in order that they may be trained, grow and develop and appear in the utmost beauty. Thou art the Giver, Thou art the Compassionate."
~ 'Abdu'l-Baha
"O God! Guide me, protect me, make of me a shinning lamp and a brilliant stat. Thou art the Mighty and the Powerful."
~ 'Abdu'l-Baha
"Mon Dieu, guide moi, protege moi, illumine la lampe de mon coeur et fais de moi une etoile brillante. Tu es le Fort, le Puissant."
~ 'Abdu'l-Baha
"Blessed is the spot, and the house, and the place, and the city, and the heart, and the mountain, and the refuge, and the cave, and the valley, and the land, and the sea, and the island, and the meadow, where mention of God hath been made and His Praise Glorified."
~ Baha'u'llah
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