French Baha'i Prayer

I finally managed to record a video of Mona saying her prayers in French. I've been meaning to record this video ever since I posted the video of Mona saying prayers in Farsi...

This little video was recorded during our bedtime routine, so Mona looks tired and sleepy in the video. Mind you, we had just finished reading two story books and reading 3 prayers and singing two prayers in English and French, when I remembered to record it... lol...

In the first part of the video I am saying the words for her first and she repeats after me, and in the second part, she says it all by herself and we say our good night in french as well.

Here is the English translation of this Baha'i Prayer for Children:

O God, Guide me, protect me,
illumine the lamp of my heart and make of me a brilliant start.
Thou art the Mighty and the Powerful.

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