Taking a break...

As you've all noticed, i haven't been posting much lately, and there is a valid reason for that.
Just like when my house is messy and not very orderly, i don't usually like to invite people over until it all is in order and clean, same goes for my blog.
My life right now is very messy and i need to take control of it before it's too late... I need to sort, clean, throw out and re-organize what is not in order in my life first before i can invite all of you in.

Unfortunately to do that I will need to take a little break from the blogging world for the moment. I have no idea how long my 'little break' will last, 3 weeks or 3 months, in either case, I will be back...

Anyway, if you are a regular on my blog, you know how to contact me, and i probably know how to contact you too, so either way, we will be in touch. :)

Sometimes you just need to do what you need to do and sometimes you just need the space and time to do just that...

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