Naw-Ruz Gifts

What a day it was on Thursday.

We woke up very early. Gave Mona a quick breakfast and got ready to go to the music class for Mona, but when we got there, we found out that the class had been cancelled. (Thanks for letting us know, duh!!). So we were upset a little and decided to stop at McDo for breakfast. Then we went shopping for some late Naw-Ruz gifts for the family of Naysan. We wanted to quickly shop because Naysan had some work to finish and we had to get home for Mona's afternoon nap, and then get ready to go to Grandma's house for Naw-Ruz's family dinner.
But it turned out that we had so many gifts to buy (big family) and deciding what to get for each and everyone was a very difficult thing.
So we ended spending 6 hours in the shopping center (from breakfast till 3.30pm).
When we got back we were so exhausted. Mona felt asleep after her snack. Which gave us just the perfect opportunity to wrapped all the gifts (28 gifts in all). Which took me about 2 hours. Then we quickly got ready to go to the dinner. And we were so late that they had already started eating.
We had a great time though. Everyone enjoyed their small gifts and we got back home around midnight.

It had been a long and exhausting day!!

Here are some pics:


Papijoon said...

the pics stay the same coming again the same pic but a time when seeing some other stuff it change i was thinking that there was one pics only lol -
may be this pics bug give us the virtue of patience lol'

Sabby said...

lol daddy, i think its your internet connection... too slow for the pics to load. Can you view the videos without probs? Let me know.
Love ya!