Tender Seedlings - Good Morning Sun

I am so happy and excited right now...
We just had "Tender Seedlings" (Baha'i Class for little Toddlers) and i just couldn't wait a minute to blog and post the pics and videos.

We had such a wonderful time and the children are really showing big spiritual development and progress. They are such gems and precious beings!

So today, we started as usual with devotions and sang the Baha'i prayer "Blessed is the Spot" and today the two toddlers who were present, Aryan (3yrs) and Mona(2yrs) started to sing with us too!! It was so nice to finally hear them sing the prayer together with us!! And Aryan sang the whole prayer, while Mona just followed for a bit. But I was really impressed by Aryan, he did such a brilliant job at it, it was so nice and touching!!

Then I showed them the two videos of the same prayer sang by children (one is an animated version of the prayer with pictures of each word etc and the the other one was a video of children from around the world, each saying a word of the prayer in a different language). They really enjoyed the videos and wanted to keep watching it over and over again.

Then I told the children the story "Good Morning Sun" with the help of some of Mona's toys (a bird, a bunny, a fish and a little dolly) and a big cut out form of the Sun. The story was mainly about how the animals and the little girl are happy to see the sun shining in the morning and each in their own way thank God for the beautiful sun He sends us every morning. The little girl in the story thanks God every morning for the Sun when she wakes up by saying a Baha'i morning prayer.
So after the story we made cut out suns for the kids and they also wanted to make some moon and stars, which we did.
Just then Aryan started to act out the story i had just told them by using his suns and moon and the little animals. Mona was quick to join him in the story as well and they both act out the story for us. It was so beautiful, they even added the moon to the story and we told them that they have to thank God for the shining moon at night by saying a Baha'i night prayer to God.
We had such a lovely time and it was so wonderful to see such quick progress made by the children.
Aryan is definitely the one who is showing lots of rapid progress and Mona is slowly but surely catching up to him.
These little children are really the gems of our community and we should all nurture them with the utmost love and care, so that they grow into beautiful pearls and precious diamonds.
Even though we only had two toddlers present for the class, I must admit that it was one of the best class we had so far.... and I am so excited about the future ones to come!! So proud of those little angels (could you have guess that by now??).

Here is the video and some of pics of Aryan and Mona showing off their crafts work.

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